Alumni Spotlight


James Horne

Sanford Veterans Association’s First President
Class of 2021 (MPP/MBA)
Current Employer: Mckinsey & Company

I started out as an MBA candidate, but after the first few months of meeting some of my MPP/MBA dual-degree classmates, I knew I wanted to explore the offering at Sanford. I admired their ability to think of problems beyond the traditional business case and the intensive course offerings in international development, statistics, and national defense intrigued me. I feel the blend in curriculum between the two programs helped me transition to a more aware and adaptive individual.

The lasting impact of Sanford is the iterative process of continually pushing for a better, viable solution. Be it a policy memo or a group deliverable, I feel the courses really forced me to be critical on my thought processes and writing.

The veteran experience at Sanford was one of support and laughter. I appreciated the support and camaraderie of my fellow veterans; Ashley and James S were always a great crutch to lean on or complain to during tough, demanding assignments. I am happy to see the SVA expand in its mission and outreach and I hope future vets are able to find a home here.

Erin Moffitt

Class of 2019 (MPP)
Current Employer: policy advisor, office of the assistant secretary of defense for special operations/low intensity conflict (SO/LIC)

I came to Sanford immediately after leaving active duty. It was the perfect place to transition from Soldier to Civilian—an experience that can often be jarring. Meeting so many fellow students with passion for public service was humbling and awe-inspiring. I find Sanford students have a natural intellectual curiosity, and my peers were eager to understand my military experience. Sanford does a great job of bringing people from disparate backgrounds together and I think this goes a long way in bridging civil-military divides.

The Duke alumni network directly impacted my landing at ASD SO/LIC. I use the skills gained while at Sanford, every day. I’ve written many policy memos since coming to SO/LIC and I am so grateful for the rigorous policy analysis curriculum. Being able to write well, in a clear and concise manner is not a ubiquitous skill, and it has paid huge dividends while being in the “E Ring.” Lastly, there are a few fellow Sanford alumni in the building, and it’s always nice to see a friendly face or meet for coffee in the courtyard.


James Settles

Class of 2021 (MPP)
Current Employer: U.S. Army, Department of Defense

I chose the Sanford School of Public Policy because I wanted to explore diverse policy subject areas in an academically rigorous environment. To be sure, I accomplished that. However, what matters more is the personal relationships gained through my two years here. The connections and friendships gained will continue long after my time at Sanford ends. It was amazing how many people had never met or talked to a military servicemember. I frequently heard from classmates how they were nervous to talk to me when the cohort began—largely because they had a preconceived notion of how an Army person thought and behaved. Yet today, many of those people are now close friends.

That is my biggest takeaway. Talk to those who may come from different backgrounds. You will find common ground. But more importantly, you may learn something. Going forward, I know that my exposure to different perspectives and ideas will allow me to thrive in a multitude of environments. Plus, it’s always good to build a network of highly intelligent people who you will no doubt interact with in the future.